Creative results in 30+ countries in 3+ decades
images from diverse project sites
Combining fresh ideas with an informed understanding of a place, and its potential, makes a world of difference.
Cultural heritage site planning is strategic. It’s based on respecting integrity and authenticity, engaging communities and enhancing a place to conserve its qualities and activate its functions and connections.
Consulting services include:
Site conservation management plans
Adaptive re-use and feasibility studies
Cultural heritage management training
Significance and heritage impact assessments
Destination and visitor experience strategies
Cultural tourism and interpretation plans
Standards and guidelines for site operations
Project management and team leadership
A bit about …
My Background
I'm a Canadian and an Australian, living near Wakefield, Québec, Canada. Enjoying challenges, I continue to be a part of international projects that are wildly different, yet all interconnected with a heart in cultural heritage. Overseeing demanding projects in diverse cultural contexts requires understanding, adaptability and tenacity. I've been in private consulting practice for decades, and have also held senior staff positions with international philanthropic organizations, including the Getty Conservation Institute in Los Angeles.
Where I Work
I've lived on 5 continents, undertaking projects at hundreds of cultural and natural sites internationally ~ urban centres, industrial complexes, archaeological sites, national monuments, parks and world heritage sites. Since 2000, my projects have increasingly focused on aligning cultural tourism practices to resource protection and heritage interpretation.
The Fuller Projection Map, used with kind permission, BFI™ ©1938, 1992. www.bfi.org
My Roles
I work in several capacities: cultural site strategist, architectural conservator, project manager, cultural tourism planner and educator. All projects are interdisciplinary, and each project is different: I am often a collaborating team member, will lead the efforts of a team, or will undertake independent assignments. As a field specialist, I enjoy developing and implementing well laid plans for sustainable results.
My Clients
Working with site staff, specialist teams, management and stakeholder communities, my clients are diverse, and for example, have included:
The Getty Conservation Institute and The Getty Foundation
The World Bank Group
International Development Ireland
The Japan Fund for Poverty Reduction with the Asian Development Bank
The National Trust for Canada, The National Trust of Australia
ICOMOS International Secretariat, World Heritage Site Advisor
Parks Canada, Government of Canada
United States Agency for International Development (USAID)
The Greater Amman Municipality, Jordan
United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)
Turquoise Mountain Trust
Consulting partner with other planning, landscape and/or architecture firms
Key to Success
Adaptability and creative approaches advance success, but comprehensive planning, responsiveness to people and developing priorities, make the difference. In all project stages, my approach is resourceful, rational and site specific. It is a goal of my architectural conservation work to minimize intervention in historic fabric. My planning work is strategic, and developed to enable action oriented results with clear directives.
Assess. Plan. Activate.
Project Sampler
The following summarizes a few of my projects. More project descriptions can be found by selecting a location from the bottom menu.
Nea Paphos, World Heritage Site, Cyprus
Lead for site presentation and tourism and responsible for the visitor framework forming a part of the Conservation Management Plan for Nea Paphos. An international interdisciplinary team formulated the plan over several years. Key components include site documentation / GIS, material conservation and environmental analyses to support mosaic protection plans, visitor circuits and adaptive reuse for interpretation and amenities. A staged implementation program is in progress. Undertaken with the Getty Conservation Institute and international specialists in partnership with the Department of Antiquities, Cyprus.
At-Turaif District, World Heritage Site, Saudi Arabia
Team Leader in the compilation of At-Turaif District in Ad-Dir’iyah Conservation Management Plan for the Diriyah Gate Development Authority. In the strategic heart of a giga-development project in Riyadh. The fragile historic site experienced a decade of extraordinary investment to transform the 16th century Saudi dynasty’s earthen built settlement into a national cultural tourism destination. The project’s primary challenge was to balance site conservation with active development plans and ambitious regional urbanization. Distinct zones are defined for conservation, adaptation and rejuvenation to manage to the evolving programs for site tourism and new construction. Project undertaken with Ireland Development International in 2019-2020.
Site Accessibility: Ancient & Crusader Castles, Jordan
Conservation Lead for the Accessibility, Presentation and Conservation Priorities at Shawbak, Mkawer, Ajlun and Aqaba Castles. Priorities are detailed for conservation and best options for visitor experiences on site, including pathways, signage, barriers and amenities. Undertaken as part of the Chemonics / USAID BEST Project in partnership with Jordan’s Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities, and the Department of Antiquities.
Umm Qays Archaeological Site, Jordan
Conservation Lead for the Management and Tourism Planning Framework, that was developed with a values-based approach, integrating strategic land use planning and tourism programming. The conservation actions conserve site attributes and support experience driven tourism based on locally driven products. Undertaken with e-Tourism Frontiers as part of the Turquoise Mountain Trust’s Jordanian initiatives in partnership with Jordan’s the Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities, and the Department of Antiquities.
Petra World Heritage Site, Jordan
Team Leader for Petra based collaborative projects including the Operational Priorities Plan, the Petra Trails Plan, the Petra Conservation Action Plan, Archaeological Research and Excavation Regulatory Guidelines and the Beidha Visitor Interpretation Plan. Undertaken over a decade, the initiatives formed a part of the Chemonics / USAID Building Economic Sustainability Through Tourism Project in partnership with the Petra Development and Tourism Region Authority and other agencies.
Parliament Hill, Ottawa, Canada
Specialist conservation planner team member for the Background Analysis Report and the Conservation Management Plan forming part of the Centre Block Rehabilitation Project. The comprehensive reports are a foundation for the conservation of the significance and character defining elements of the National Historic Site. The rehabilitation program, with its sustainability and adaptation goals, is the largest such undertaken on a public building in Canada. The work was undertaken with ERA Architects as part of the CENTRUS consortium’s Heritage Conservation Team project input for Public Services and Procurement Canada and its partners.
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Thanks for visiting,
Lori Anglin
Wakefield (Lascelles), Québec, Canada